Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: So, first of all, I would like to commend and give my grit respect to my colleagues in the University of Genoa.
What they have done in bringing fundamentals of care to Italy is incredible.
That is about improving patient care and being part of an international community. And not only are nurses leading the transformation of care, but they are leading it on behalf of the whole interdisciplinary team.
[00:00:37] Speaker B: We have heard from physiotherapists, from doctors, from nurses, from patients, about how important.
[00:00:45] Speaker A: Getting fundamental care right.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: And it is such a pleasure to.
[00:00:50] Speaker A: Be here and enjoy the hospitality of.
[00:00:54] Speaker C: The wonderful Genovese, how the fundamental cares are born and the movement.
[00:01:02] Speaker A: The movement happens because passionate people like.
[00:01:08] Speaker B: My colleagues in the University of Genoa.
[00:01:11] Speaker A: And in the university college Dublin and around the world know that we cannot allow care to be devalued. We cannot allow it to be seen.
[00:01:24] Speaker B: As less important as cure, as less important as financial incentives, as less important as all of the wonderful technology.
Care is the most important thing that.
[00:01:39] Speaker A: We have to get right for our.
[00:01:41] Speaker B: Patients, for ourselves, for our workforce and for the future.
[00:01:46] Speaker C: Thank you very much. And we have also. Professor Connolly, would you give a comment about fundamental cares and palliative cares?
[00:01:58] Speaker D: I suppose I would see it as.
[00:02:01] Speaker E: There'S a synergy between fundamentals of care.
[00:02:03] Speaker D: And palliative care, because it is about.
[00:02:05] Speaker E: Seeing the whole person and working from a place of compassion, respecting the dignity and the respect of that individual person.
[00:02:13] Speaker D: And ensuring that their care needs are met. And when we talk about the fundamentals of care, that's what we're talking about in palliative care as well.
[00:02:21] Speaker E: It is the fundamentals, the being there.
[00:02:24] Speaker D: And assisting that patient, that client, that service user, to be their best possible and get their best quality of life. And that can only be done when.
[00:02:33] Speaker E: Nurses can do nursing work. And that's what we're seeing here with the magnificent work of our colleagues in Genoa, rolling out that work and leading that work in Italy, but also showing it to the world that we go. We work best when nursing does nursing and provides those fundamentals of care which are the very, very synergistic to what.
[00:02:53] Speaker D: We do in palliative care as well.
[00:02:54] Speaker E: In that whole person space.
[00:02:56] Speaker C: Thank you very much for your time.